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C.H.I.P.S. Program
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The CHILD IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM (C.H.I.P.S.) is sponsored by the generous donation of time and money from the Freemasons of Maine under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Maine.
The C.H.I.P.S. Program is the most comprehensive service of its kind anywhere. CHIPS is provided free of charge to the public and all of the identifying items generated during CHIPS are given to the child's family.
The CHIPS program includes the following:
VIDEOTAPE: A brief videotaped interview that can be quickly distributed to the media in order to reach a huge audience.

FINGERPRINTING: Fingerprinting is a well-known means of identification. Resourceful parents keep fingerprints available should the need arise.
Basic Safety Tips for Parents
1. Keep current identification of your children in a safe and accessible place (fingerprints, photo, video, physical description.)
2. Know how to obtain your child's dental x-rays and medical records.
3. Don't leave your child alone or unattended in public places (in a car, in a store.)
4. Know your child's friends, their names, where they live, and how to contact them
5. Before leaving your child in the care of a daycare, preschool, baby-sitter, or youth organization, check their references and qualifications.
6. Be involved in your child's activities (volunteer at school and clubs, attend sporting events.)
Harland S. Hitchings
P. O. Box 145, Princeton, ME 04668
(207) 796-2282  for more information.

Includes 74 done at the Children’s Festival

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